Woman’s Club Health and Wellness CSP Chair, Amanda Moore Ladd, delivered toiletries and
feminine hygiene products to Tina, Clinical Care Coordinator, at Coastal Horizon’s
Wilmington Health Access for Teens. Sixty items were delivered; this is an
ongoing project.
Woman’s Club Health and Wellness CSP Chair, Amanda Moore Ladd, delivered donations to
the Good Shepherd Center (Liz Carbone, Community Coordinator).
Woman’s Club Health and Wellness CSP Chair, Amanda Moore Ladd, delivered donations to
the Carousel Center (Laurie Taylor, Development Manager).
Jack Viorel, Director and co-owner (with wife Aileen) of IndoJax Surf School and Charities, was the guest speaker at our March business meeting. IndoJax Surf School and Charities work with children and youth who are developmentally delayed, are visually impaired, have special needs, or have autism. Jack and his staff accompany these young people on surfboards with the purpose of increaing their self confidence and sense of control in their lives. The children and youth realize that if they can surf and conquer their fears in an unstable and unpredictable environment like the ocean, then they can do anything.